Archive for the ‘English’ Category

Vermeer and Cantofoli again

juli 13, 2023

Tronies is the term for a certain type of Dutch paintings, faces that are not portraits of so-and-so. A smoker is easily readable as ‘A smoker’, but what about Johannes Vermeer’s girl with a pearl earring, who as tronie was called girl with a turban or Ginevra Cantofoli’s girl with a turban. Perhaps this last one was painted as a tronie, but later got its name from the portrait of Beatrice Cenci, whose gruesome story might have slipped down more easily when a picture came on. Cantofoli was a woman, so some have suggested that the picture would have been more convincing if it had been painted by her compatriot, the more famous Guido Reni.

The girl with the pearl earring could not remain an anonymous tronie in posterity, it has become a portrait simply, consistently used in Tracy Chevalier’s novel ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ from 1999, which was then made into a movie with Scarlett Johansson as the girl Griet.

As I see the two pictures, they look similar. But Cantofoli was Italian and Vermeer from the Netherlands, so the similarity and contemporaneity are not enough for anyone to talk about a connection.

What would be able to convince? If Vermeer had been in Italy at a given time, from where else would he have obtained his knowledge of Italian painting. If there had been a sketch or description of a girl with a turban in a writing about Beatrice Cenci, which was read both in Italy and in the Netherlands.

Johannes Vermeer 1632-1675
Ginevra Cantofoli 1618-1672
Guido Reni 1575-1642
Beatrice Cenci 1577-1599

Johannes Vermeer:
Girl with pearl ear ring.
Mauritshuis in The Hague

Guido Reni:
Beatrice Cenci.
So still called at Galleria Nazionale
d’Arte Antica, Rome

Drømmen om Allerød

juni 21, 2023

Jeg vendte 1970 tilbage til Lillerød, som først på året var blevet en del af Allerød Kommune. Jeg blev ret hurtigt involveret i lokalpolitik og skrev mange læserbreve. Ind imellem handlede de også om neutrale emner, måske bare et referat af et møde. Så i årene 1984-86 blev jeg freelancemedarbejder på Allerød Posten. Avisen lukkede i 1986, men de lokalhistoriske artikler blev siden samlet i heftet ‘Drømmen om Allerød’, udgivet i 1991 af LAFAK, Lokalhistorisk Arkiv og Forening for Allerød Kommune.
Anmeldt i Folk og Kultur 1992 af George Nellemann s.105:
“Denne lille samling på små 20 meget velskrevne artikler…..,han når så langt omkring i Danmarkshistorien-ja næsten verdenshistorien.Tænk hvad der har rod i eller relation til-Allerød.”

Hvad hedder ‘spånkurv’ på engelsk?

november 3, 2022

Jeg skulle skrive en artikel til nogen på De Vestindiske Øer om spånkurve på opfordring af Jørgen Bjerregaard, min medredaktør på ‘Ask, Tidsskrift for Dansk Folkekultur’. Det blev så starten til det engelske summary, som indgår i ‘En tid med spånkurve’ og som kan findes her på nettet og blev trykt i ‘The Basketmakers’ Associations Newsletter’ 1997.

Men hvad hedder en spånkurv på engelsk? Jeg valgte ‘splint basket’ ud fra et par amerikanske bøger. Siden gik det op for mig, at man i England kaldte dem ‘chip basket’. I vore dage et besværligt begreb let at forveksle med kartoffelchipskurv. Senere har jeg erfaret, at nogen siger ‘bend wood basket’.

I den traditionelle spånkurv fra Dalarne var spåner, hank og indre og ydre bånd fremstillet ved med en kniv at spalte elementet ud ved at følge træets årer. Her er ‘splint basket’ en velvalgt term.

I den traditionelle spånkurv i Skåne var hank, indre og ydre bånd revet på samme måde som i Dalarne, mens man på et tidligt tidspunkt overgik til at høvle spånerne, hvilket banede vejen for arbejdsdeling og masseproduktion. Da man eksporterede til England fra Skåne brugte man termen ‘chip basket’. Men den skånske spånkurv er altså en kombination af chip- og splintbasket.

Definition af en spånkurv

British actors i Copenhagen 1949

februar 17, 2021

I have had this book for many years. But who are all those people – maybe someone knows!

It must be actors visiting Denmark 1949. Should like to know. What I know is, that the former owner of the book Harry Ratz had something to do with several theaters.

Formentlig arrangøren Harry Ratz

With a little help from facebook friends I found this page with the same people

Did anyone of then wrote about the tour to Denmark?

My Anti Hate Speech

juli 5, 2015



[Hvis had er Gud,
hader Gud dig.
Had er en gift,
den dræber dig,
din familie, selve dit mål.
Had skaber had,
gør had til din Gud.
Hvis had er Gud,
hader Gud dig.]

If Hate is God
God hates you
Hate is a poison,
it kills you,
your family, your goal itself.
Hate creates hate,
makes Hate your God.
If Hate is God
God hates you.
My Anti Hate Speech:
Per-Olof Johansson, DK
December 21, 2004

Do you know Jussi Adler Olsen – then you need to know Allerød

oktober 3, 2013

Where Carl Mørck lives - Allerød's anwer ti Baker Street!

Where Carl Mørck lives – Allerød’s answer to Baker Street!

Do you know Jussi Adler Olsen – then you need to know Allerød

Read this as PDF

If you know Jussi Adler Olsen’s books, you know the policeman Carl Mørck , and then you know that he lives in Allerød in Denmark .
It may well be the only thing you know about Allerød.
Some things about Allerød, it might be good to know . It is not certain Carl Mørck knows, but Jussi knows for sure, and you can never know whether he puts a little tip in here and there.

Allerød is a suburb of Copenhagen, despite this with a rural touch, large areas of forest and agriculture.

If we start in the Ice Age, there is a geological period called the Allerød oscillation which is a period at the end of the last Ice Age , approximately from 11.800 to 10.600 BC. It was a warmer period between older and younger dryas where the temperature was about 13 ° -14 ° C. % C3% B8d_oscillation

There is evidence of settlements right from the Stone Age here, there is a lot of dolmens and the remains of an ancient road through the forest Tokkekøb Hegn .

Best known is Allerød for the finding of the Bronze Age lurs from the bog Brudevælte after which they got the name. It was the first time this unusual musical instrument was found and on top of that in a number of six! Origin around 800 BC. The five of them are in the National Museum in Copenhagen, while the sixth of a Danish king was given to the Russian Tsar, and therefore is in Sct. Petersburg.
You can hear the lurs here

From around AD 1100, we have at Bastrup Lake a tower ruin, which is a remnant of a medieval castle on the site. With its 6 meter thick walls, built of travertine and outer diameter of 21 meters , the plant has been one of Northern Europe’s largest at the time.

There are four local churches which date from medieval times, and in a few of them are even frescoes, in Lynge fine preserved frescoes from “Isefiord masters” 1460-80 .

In Allerød has the furniture company Fritz Hansen for over 100 years had its factory and has not outsourced it all.
A small furniture company that should be as well known, called PP furniture, as Fritz Hansen focuses on modern Danish design. ?

A pair of female sports stars has their origin here: Eva Fjellerup, famous Pentathlon winner: The biggest winner international with 4 titles (1990, 1991, 1993 and 1994); and the young swimmer Lotte Friis.

Allerød is a municipality, there is no town by that name, but the largest of the three towns, which make the municipality, is funny enough Lillerød. (Little red!) The other two are Blovstrød and Lynge. Yes Carl Mørck lives in the municipality ‘Allerød’ but in the town Lillerød. Jussi Adler Olsen himself lives in Lillerød in another end of town, but have arranged with a workplace in the corner of the municipality where a farm has the name Allerød after a now vanished village.

I simply prefer to spell Allerød ‘Alleryd’ in English, because it looks better and the sound is more like we Danish pronounce Allerød, in special if born in North Zealand. Alleroed – I don’t like it.
Maybe Allerød should be translated ‘Alder clearing’, a name from about 1200. Most Danes don’t know either – many knows that ‘rød’ in this connection is ‘clearing’ and not ‘red’. But it is forgotten that the tree alder in old Danish was called ‘al’ and not ‘el’ as to day. In Swedish it is still called ‘al’. In Danish ‘ryd’ means ‘clear’. In a document from 1260 the place is called Alryth – so I think Alleryd is a good choice for many reasons. Our coat of arms symbolise with its three yellow stumps the clearings – because we have a lot of villages with the ending -rød in the name.
As the COBRA poet and painter Christian Dotremont put it in ‘Le petit COBRA n.2, Bruxelles 1949’ on ‘Les rencontres de Bregneröd’ : “Rød veut dire: rouge, mais dans ce cas-ci c’ets une allusion à une foret qui a disparu.”
(The meeting took place in Bregnerød, near a village between Lillerød and Birkerød and he therefore needs to explain: “Rød means ‘red’, but in this case it is an allusion to a forest which has disappeared”.)

Horsetrail where Carl Mørck passes the church on his way to the railway station

Horsetrail where Carl Mørck passes the church on his way to the railway station

September 2013

september 24, 2013


September 2013 at a peaceful place in the world

september 2013

HERE is God

september 10, 2013


There is a message in this picture, on which I don’t claim copyright.  But the picture as such – of cause that’s my copyright!

Carton cartoon

august 22, 2013


A Swedish forest moved to Denmark 1900 – 1970

april 3, 2013


I have a problem when I have to tell young people about splint baskets. Not so much in terms of how this type of baskets was made ​​- but how widespread it was, the quantities produced. For the people in Denmark today ‘making a basket’ is a person making a basket. But splint baskets were made as mass production with division of labor and machinery, where it was possible. I call it industrial crafts. Perhaps, I thought, it gives an idea of the ​​quantities if I focus more on the material, the huge forest of tree logs that have passed to Denmark to end as splint baskets. Here is the story: We had a factory in Denmark.

A Swedish forest moved to Denmark PDF

A Swedish forest moved to Denmark  ISSUU